How is that possible, you may ask?


And now, if you are awakening, your soul wants you to know it.

 Not imagine it. Not surmise it. Know it. And then experience it.

To experience life in partnership with our soul is the holy grail.

That is the spiritual path we are all on.

Experiencing life in partnership with our soul is the holy grail. That is the spiritual path we are all on. 

And now, if you are awakening, your soul wants you to know there is nothing to fear.

Not imagine it. Not surmise it. Know it. And then experience it.

Because the physical world is an illusion, a playground in which souls come to experience things--positive, negative, and everything in between. It isn't real. Your soul knows this and because it does, it also knows that it is (and always was) unconditionally loved by Source and can never be destroyed. Therefore, it knows there is nothing to fear.

The trick is to be willing to leave the battlegroud entirely. Just shed all the artillery and walk away. Awakening spiritually helps one do that because, you see, your soul knows there is no--and there never was any--battleground.

When confronted with conflict or any negativity, the logical thing to most of us is to resist, fight back, and defend ourselves. Dialing back that programming and choosing to see things from a higher place is no easy task, even for those with a healthy self-esteem. That is because even if we pick and choose our battles, we are continuing to perceive a battleground. We are on guard and we keep defenses on hand for ready use if/when a "worthy" battle presents, while we collect and store hate, anger, judgment, blame, bitterness, resentment, etc., with every "unworthy" battle we perceive and let go. This keeps us locked in the same old familiar grip of fear and our false sense of power and control intact.

Now, I am not trying to convince anyone that this is easy. It isn't. For me, the process was (and will continue to be) just that--a process--and it was (and is) extremely difficult, uncomfortable, and downright painful and messy, at times. How could it not be?

Leave the Battleground

Your soul wants you to experience life without the illusion of fear and without the myriad negative illusions fear spawns, including the fear of death. Your soul wants you to live your life boldly and unabashedly, and be and express your true passion, which is who you really are in spirit. That is what your soul wants to experience through you.  It is the something more you are yearning.